Friday Recap: Standing Desks

by Jan 23, 2015Inside Resound

Friday Recap: Standing Desks

by | Jan 23, 2015


You’re looking at Resound’s new toy.  Well, it’s really Garrett’s new toy, but it’s in our office and we get to push the button.  That’s right, Garrett bought himself a mechanical desk – one that allows him to stand or sit on a whim.  This desk is the first of its kind at Resound, and we’re excited to see how Garrett likes it.

We’ve heard great things about standing desks.  Evan Lahti, an avid online gamer, tried a standing desk for one year.

 “One of the things I found about a standing posture is that it naturally made me want to move around, either as minor relief from standing or, say, to jump in excitement after a victory.”

Joseph Stromberg of Smithsonian Magazine shares some benefits to standing at your desk.

A 2012 study found that if the average American reduced his or her sitting time to three hours per day, life expectancy would climb by two years.

If you’re going to start doing so, most experts recommend splitting your time between standing and sitting, because standing all day can lead to back, knee or foot problems. The easiest ways of accomplishing this are either using a desk that can be raised upward or a tall chair that you can pull up to your desk when you do need to sit.”

Besides the obvious health benefits that we’ve heard about (better posture, longer endurance, muscle building), it looks amazing and makes our marketing specialist look awesome too.

Who knows, Garrett, maybe you started a new fad here at the office…

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