Elevate Your Accounting Firm’s Brand Marketing with Curated Content

by Feb 7, 2024Content Strategy, Protip

Curated content

Elevate Your Accounting Firm’s Brand Marketing with Curated Content

by | Feb 7, 2024

At Resound, we understand the many challenges that marketing directors at accounting firms face. The digital marketing landscape can be overwhelming, with the constant demand for fresh content and the need to stand out from the competition. But fear not, for there’s a dynamic strategy that can transform your brand’s online presence: the art of curated content.

Exploring Curated Content

In this article, we’ll talk about curated content and how it can revolutionize your accounting firm’s marketing efforts. We’ll explore how this strategy can position your firm’s people as industry thought leaders and offer insights on achieving the perfect balance between curated and original content.

Discover the Power of Content Curation with Clear View Social

If you’re searching for a tool that combines the ease of use with content discovery, look no further than Clear View Social‘s ‘discover content’ feature. While it may require a bit of some hands-on involvement, it provides a comprehensive platform for sourcing and integrating curated content. (Plus you can easily roll out all curated content to anyone in your firm for them to post on their own personal social profiles.) Here’s a glimpse of its capabilities:

  • RSS Feeds: Stay current by seamlessly integrating RSS feeds, ensuring you’re always in the loop with the latest industry developments.
  • Industry Insights: Elevate your expertise by curating content from industry-specific sources, positioning your firm as an authoritative source for relevant updates.
  • Google Alerts: Monitor the web for specific keywords pertinent to your niche, enabling you to instantly share pertinent articles and insights.
  • Suggested Gems: Leverage the power of AI-driven suggestions to discover content that aligns perfectly with your target audience’s interests.
  • Manual Curation: Don’t overlook your internal knowledge base! Add your own hand-picked content to the mix to showcase your in-house expertise.

The Advantages of Curated Content

All of this content becomes readily accessible for your team to share across their social media profiles, amplifying your brand’s reach and establishing your staff as well-informed industry experts.

Why curating content in your marketing strategy is a game-changer for your accounting firm:

  1. Amplified Content Volume: Curated content serves as a dependable means to maintain a consistent online presence without the incessant need to generate original content. It’s a valuable shortcut to stay engaged with your audience.
  2. Thought Leadership: By selectively sharing content that showcases your firm’s wisdom and insights, you can cultivate a reputation as a “well-read” and knowledgeable authority in your field.
  3. The Spark of Originality: Don’t limit yourself to merely sharing; use it as a launchpad for original thought. Discover an intriguing article, and infuse it with your unique perspective through a few thoughtful paragraphs. This approach adds depth and authenticity to your brand.
  4. Diverse Content Palette: Don’t limit your search for content to your own niche. You can unearth content from a variety of sources and ingeniously incorporate your accounting perspective, demonstrating your ability to connect broader concepts to your industry.

Learning from Others: Manager Tools’ Strategy

Though Manager Tools isn’t an accounting firm, they provide an excellent illustration of the curated content strategy in practice. They meticulously curate three articles from esteemed publications like the Wall Street Journal and Harvard Business Review each week, infusing their unique take on management, communication, and productivity. This approach has made their newsletter a must-read for countless professionals.

Take Action with Curated Content

In the evolving realm of digital marketing for accounting firms, content curation is your not-so-secret weapon. It empowers you to share invaluable insights, establish thought leadership, and forge meaningful connections with your audience. By finding the ideal equilibrium between curated and original content, you can craft a brand marketing strategy that’s both efficient and impactful.

Why wait? Begin unleashing the potential of curated content today, and witness your accounting firm’s brand ascend to new heights. What tools and strategies are you using? We’d love to hear. Reach out.

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