On March 24th, I attended Navigating Business During a Financial Crisis put on by Scott McIntosh, an experienced...
A Basic Guide To Using Zoom for Remote Meetings
Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of people are adjusting to a new way of working: all-remote, all the time. One...
Protip: Have a Negativity Session
Did you know that “problem-minded” people are better problem solvers? It turns out, the longer you spend thinking about the...
When You’re the Worst
I am the worst web developer on our team. It doesn’t mean I’m bad, it just means the others are great. “Never be the...
Thoughts on Aziz Firat’s Rebranding of Samsung
Inspired by Andrew Kim’s Microsoft redesign, designer Aziz Firat has redesigned the Samsung logo and brand identity (as a...
Knowing Thy Audience: A “Thank You” Note to Corrective Lens Makers”
I’m pretty close to legally blind. Without some sort of corrective lenses I’m helpless. Just ask my wife—trying to show me...
Read more…I learned that the ability to build a brand that evokes positive human qualities was quite valuable. Today, in this age of widespread distrust of large organizations, that ability is invaluable. People trust people they know; getting to know someone means getting to know his behaviors, attitudes, and values. The same is true of becoming acquainted with a brand. Convey your human values wherever you can. If all companies are made up of people, why do so many of them feel so lifeless?
A Brand New World
…I learned that the ability to build a brand that evokes positive human qualities was quite valuable. Today, in this age of...