If you’ve been following our blog, you’ve gotten to know a majority of our team. In fact, you’ve now met all but one! He’s our Friday Knight, our graphic design intern, Mr. Christian Montoro.
Christian is an extremely busy man. When he’s not at Resound, you can either find him at Arizona State University getting his Masters of Visual Communications Design, or working separate freelance jobs on the side. To perfect your craft as much as Christian has, you must constantly work on it, and adapt to the changes of the current methods and trends. This is exactly what Christian does on a daily basis and it shows in his work. He is a valuable part of this team, and we’re proud to introduce him to you.
Resound: What made you want to first get into design work?
Christian: When my Mom took me to the grocery store as a kid, I would organize items on the conveyer belt in a grid, according to color. It’s okay, you can laugh…
Resound: Think back to when you woke up this morning…what was your very first thought?
Christian: That was not enough sleep.
Resound: What’s the last thing you watched on tv?
Christian: I don’t have cable but there are new episodes of It’s Always Sunny ready to go on my Netflix! Rum Ham!
Resound: If you were a dinosaur, what kind would you be?
Christian: Pterodactyl, because flying, duh.
Resound: What would be in your DREAM sandwich?
Christian: A winning lottery ticket and spicy mustard.
Resound: If you took a picture of a thousand words, what would it cost?
Christian: Depends on what typeface you use.
Resound: How fast do you think hotcakes actually sell?
Christian: I’m on team pie, not team cake.
Resound: IMPROV TIME: Name 10 things you’ll never find in a public bathroom
- Dry floors
- Flushed toilets
- People who will spare a square
- Fresh air
- Happy babies
- A good book to read
- Complimentary slippers
- Minibar
- Gold toilet seats
- Dignity