Details Make Design

by Aug 25, 2016Branding, Inside Resound

Details Make Design

by | Aug 25, 2016

The details are not the details. They make the design. — Charles Eames

As some of you already know, Resound is going through its own brand redesign. If you haven’t been following us, here’s our new logo roll out.

After branding so many companies, we figured we should practice what we preach. We’re finalizing brighter colors, creative fonts, and foundational values (among many other things). And that brings us to our topic today…textures!


Kelsey Jones — Instagram: @ms_j77

A couple months ago, the very talented Kelsey Jones (Instagram: @ms_j77) painted some beautiful watercolor and oil paintings for us to use as textures. We’re so stoked to introduce them to you in our new look!


There are so many creative people in this world — think about finding people who can express the core of your branding in an innovative way. It’s the subtle details that create a thoughtful, polished brand experience.

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