Buttons, Games, and Friends

by Nov 17, 2014News

Buttons, Games, and Friends

by | Nov 17, 2014

What a busy week it’s been in the office! We’ve been working a lot getting everything organized for the upcoming Phoenix Design Week—doing everything from making our very own buttons, to organizing a game, to building a registration page. You name it, we probably did it!

Are you wondering what kind of game we came up with? Well, even if you’re not, you’re in luck, because we’re going to tell you anyways.

As you probably know by our earlier post, we are sponsoring this year’s Phoenix Design Week. Along with that, we get to put something into your “swag bag” (which is essentially a bag full of goodies from all the sponsors).

Inside your swag bag we’ll include a button with a word on it. And each person gets a totally unique word. But wait, there’s more! You will also get a flyer explaining what exactly to do with those buttons/words.

Where did we get these words?
Well, there’s actually a great story behind them. Literally. Resound wrote a pretty ridiculous story using as many ridiculous words as we could possibly think of. But we don’t want the story to end there. We want you to use the word in your bag to start your own story by playing our word game!

How to Play PHXDWord
The great part about our game is that all you have to do is follow four simple steps (which you can find here)and you’ll be entered for a chance to win any of the prizes that Resound is giving away.

You can win a number of different things including 2 free tickets to the Phoenix Improv Festival, a gift card to Little Miss BBQ, and more! More importantly, for us, we’re thrilled to have the chance to meet everyone attending!

One member or another of the Resound team will be at a huge majority of the events throughout the week. We’ll be at Creative Mornings this Friday to start things off, and then the kickoff party, the Method & Madness conference, listening to speakers, everything!

If you see us there, please strike up a conversation! We can’t stress enough how excited we are to meet everyone there. If you haven’t had a chance to sign up, you can register here! We have a blast each and every year, and we’re sure you will as well. See you soon!

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