Tempe Branding Agency - Resound

Places, just like businesses, organizations, and people, are remarkable. While we value the people around us and their passions — no matter where we are geographically — we’re especially proud of Tempe, Arizona, our home and starting point.

Places, just like businesses, organizations, and people, are remarkable.

While we value the people around us and their passions - no matter where we are geographically - we’re especially proud of being a Tempe branding agency.

Simply put: we love it here.

We’ve been based in Tempe, a true Tempe branding agency, since we started out in 2009.

Since then, we’ve put in our elbow grease, helping a multitude of B2B businesses and organizations reach their branding goals.

While we’ve traveled out to serve clients in Chicago, Texas, and Florida, we’ve built solid relationships right here at home… and in some cases, right in the same buildings we work out of.

Award Winning Brand Agency
"Resound made the whole process, from the brand audit through the launch, run very smoothly. Their team is creative and professional. I am very excited with the final product we received from Resound."

Jaimi Koechel, Director of Marketing, Henry + Horne

We Invest in Where We Live

Planting our flag in Tempe, a place where large companies, Arizona State University students, and even farmers all call home, has taught us a thing or two about discovering the remarkable in local culture.

It’s why local culture is one of core values.

Along with being a cool place to live and work in general, Tempe has been an agricultural and livestock hub, right from its earliest days.

We learned a ton about dairy cows, the milk we drink, and sustainability while developing content for both United Dairymen of Arizona, and Arizona Milk Producers.

We also built close relationships with MAC6, (so close that all we had to do was walk down the hallway!) and The Department, entrepreneurial coworking centers aiming to equip local businesses with what they need to thrive.

Awards We've Won

Marcom Gold Winner
Marcom Gold Winner
Top 10 Advertising Agencies Arizona
Davey Awards
Best web design companies, Phoenix
National Milk Producers Federation
resound tempe
resound tempe

We're Still Watering our Tempe Roots

We’ve discovered that blooming where you’re planted means more than appreciating the remarkable history and character around us.

It means getting involved, giving back, and building relationships with remarkable people.

For more stories about how the Resound team utilized local culture in its brand development, experiences, and consultation, check out our case studies.

And if you’re looking for a Tempe based branding agency that can help you discover and share your authentic brand with the world, give us a shout.

And wherever you live… don’t forget that your part of what makes the local culture…


Wherever you are, show the world you’re remarkable

Talk with the Resound team about brand development, brand experiences, or brand consulting.