Resound Develops Website for Boston Consultancy

by Aug 27, 2019Design, Web Development

Resound Develops Website for Boston Consultancy

by | Aug 27, 2019

Connie Chandler, owner and principal at IR Strategies, and distinguished Investor Relations Strategist with over 20 years of experience in the industry found herself working from an outdated website that failed to show the breadth of professionalism and expertise that she offers her clients. Connie came to us with all of her material from her extensive career, asking Resound to help bring more focus to her branding.

Elevating Brand to the Client’s Level of Expertise

Our goal was to present the client as a modern yet established professional with a bold and approachable brand identity. We chose updated colors accordingly and created a palette that tied in some of her previous look and feel so that any previous materials she needed to reference would still fit under her branding.

While Connie’s existing design elements were pretty bare-bones, her logo brought with it historical brand cache, including a stock ticker element, which our designer used as inspiration to create a geometric theme for the new site. We also created a custom geometric pattern to add visual interest to the collateral and fill in gaps where the client was missing brand imagery.

Because of the client’s business structure and budget, we recommended a single-page website. We created a wireframe to guide the website content strategy and then handed it over to the client so she could write the copy. We worked with her material to design and build a website that reflected the new branding while educating users on the benefits of IR Strategies.

The project came to an end with a WordPress training session so that Connie could manage the website on her own and make changes with confidence.

Credibility is vital in the investor relations sphere. With her new website and refreshed brand identity Connie is equipped to gain the trust and recognition that her business has earned over the years.

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