Yup, We Moved!

by Feb 19, 2016Inside Resound

Yup, We Moved!

by | Feb 19, 2016


Change. Change is a good indicator of growth. But every now and again, there’s some growing pains that accompany the change.

These “stretch mark” moments are non-negotiable for a young company, and about six months ago Resound had one. We all looked around our office and said, “We need more space.”

Last year about this time we had four people working in the 8400 S Kyrene office.

2015-04-08 13.15.07-edit

But by October, having doubled in size, we were starting to feel like sardines in a can. Plus, our design team was sequestered in another room. We’re a branding and experience design team, and we operate as a team. In our culture, we put a lot of emphasis on collaboration, so an inclusive, idea-sharing space is really important.

Mike, the managing partner, and our best filmmaker-friend Sam (from Pelican Media) searched for the perfect space for months and months…and months…and more months. They were getting discouraged.

But just when they had almost given up hope, the clouds parted and a beautiful hallelujah chorus erupted from the skies.


We found MAC6.


MAC6 is a conscious co-working space located in north Tempe, and it’s just what Resound needed. We love having the team together in the same space, bathed in natural light from the huge windows. Plus, we have so many awesome new officemates! It’s great to learn from and collaborate with the other small businesses working here, and we’re looking forward to more of that.

You know what else is great? A big fridge. Not to mention the huge kitchen.

And the gym downstairs.

And the lawn outside (that just happens to be perfect for hacky sack).

And the huge conference rooms.

And, let’s be honest, the personal file cabinets and trash cans. It’s the little things.


We feel like a grown up company in our new space. So stop by and see our new digs — we’d love to show you around! Oh, and also: if you’re looking for an awesome co-working space, check out MAC6.

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