Design Internship Available

by Oct 13, 2014Jobs

Design Internship Available

by | Oct 13, 2014

Resound Creative is looking for another remarkably creative individual to come join our team.  We are looking for (drumroll. please)…

A Design Intern!

Ok, let’s take a personality test.  You do which of the following:

  1. Sit around your house dreaming up neat web design concepts
  2. Constantly learn new things
  3. Think about school, because you’re a college student or a recent college grad
  4. Just wish you worked in an office with awesome people who play hacky sack and do super-crazy improv stuff
  5. All of the above

Have your answer?  Let’s psychobabble.

If you answered A:  You’re a creative genius with a mind for web design.  You are passionate about branding and graphics, and have an all-around thirst for awesome sauce.  You might be our new design intern!

If you answered B:  You have an open mind and you’re easy-going.  Adventurous, you have a nose for new things to try.  You are able to shift your design style to match our clients’ brands.  You might be our new design intern!

If you answered C:  You are hardworking and have a mildly flexible schedule (that’s great, so do we).  You may not have a whole lot of experience now, but your work-ethic says that you’ll have it in no time.  You might be our new design intern!

If you answered D:  You are a fun-loving team player who’s random sense of humor is appreciated by all.  You tend to brighten a room when you walk in, and desire companions to share your happy outlook on life. You might be our new design intern!

If you answered E:  Seriously, email us. Check out the full design internship description on our website and send as a shout at [email protected].

Also, if you know someone who fits this description, have them check out our official job posting at

We’re waiting for our perfect match.

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